
It all started in 2004; the legal justice system came crashing into my life, disrupting my family, employment, and trust in the system, creating a whirlwind I could have never imagined.

The judge expected me to have a law degree and understand the system's workings; the lawyer expected me to trust every move he had, and my family expected me to hold onto hope.

When I realized that the system didn’t see me as a person, when I realized that I was never heard, I FOUND MY VOICE!!

I found my calling and educated myself to be the best advocate for others in the criminal justice system. Not only that, but helping them make a successful re-entry back into the society that so quickly discarded us, but to THRIVE!

Over the last ten years, I have been working with various re-entry programs and realizing that many programs aren’t tailored to the person but to the government outcome required for funding.

Freaking Felon is determined to change that. We are a program that addresses the real issues of re-entry: self-doubt, self-sabotage, trust issues, family dynamics, boundaries, sobriety, social media, and so much more!

We also have a podcast (link on the home page) and a Youtube channel to watch or listen to anytime! You will hear stories of people you might relate to and find inspiration.