Finding the right speaker for your next event can be difficult. Tailoring the topic to the audience is something we have already planned for. Below you will see three different speaker one sheets.

  • Motivational Speaking

  • Helping Re-Entry Organizations re-think their program and how to improve it

  • Corporate Speaking (evaluating your hiring practices)

Looking to Book a Motivational Speaker?

There are three different tailored speaking topics that you can choose from. All three issues are relevant for those who the criminal justice system has touched and those who want to know more about people who have experienced this life.

Looking to Book a Re-Entry Expert?

If you evaluate all of the re-entry programs across the country, you will notice that they are all very similar. It is almost like a playbook writes them. Reality is - they are. How can your program stand out? How can you ensure that your program utilizes other services to optimize its programs? We can dive in and find solutions for your Re-Entry Program.

Looking to Book a Corporate Speaker?

In today’s society, there seems to be a scarcity of employees for the majority of companies. What if I were to tell you that you were looking in all of the wrong places? Let’s learn how to un-tap a population that can be mutually beneficial!